2019年12月6日 星期五

How to install docker and kubernate in Windows 10 home version

If you want to run docker in your local window 10, you have to check which version first and there are different ways to install them. This article is focus on window 10 home version.
  1. you hava to download and install it.
  2. use Chocolatey which is the tool of managing window package and just follow it’s . If you install correctly . Type choco search docker on cmder.exe then you can see some infomation.
  3. To install minikube, type choco install minikube -y on cmder.exe
  4. enter command minikube start
  5. enter command kubectl get nodes
  6. enter command choco install docker -y
  7. finally , enter comman docker ps , it’s sucessful liks as the following pic.
  8. enter comman dminikube dashboard

